Principal’s Desk

Top Schools in Pinjore

“Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work.” – Swami Vivekananda


In this pursuit of excellence, we recognize the unprecedented challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic is creating for school systems. Adaptability to change is itself a hallmark of successful education. We must collectively do everything we can. It is when both the school and parents work together, there is significant growth in a child’s overall personality development.


The safety of the students is our prime concern and as a key safety prerequisite, the complete school staff including the support staff, transportation and security personnel has been entirely vaccinated. Judicious and detailed sanitization of the school building, bus fleet, classrooms and all contact key areas have now become an integral part of the school regimen. Utmost care of each student is ensured with all the guidelines laid down by the Govt. authorities being followed for the well-being of each student on-campus.


Providing good quality modern education including a strong component of cultural values, environment awareness and physical education to all children irrespective of their differences is the prime aim of SVMS. It’s only through a close collaboration and partnership that we can achieve our goal of producing responsible world leaders and sensible global citizens of the imminent future.


In the time of abrupt school closure worldwide, our school has been able to provide wholesome education to the students by adapting the exigencies of the times vigorouslyand proved to be successful in maintaining a continuum in learning. I appreciate the relentless efforts put in by the wonderful students, teaching and non-teaching staff, and our concerned parent fraternity who all supported in settling us down to the new normal.


Looking forward to another rewarding year as our students journey towards making and taking their places in the world. I hope and pray students of our school will scale great heights and keep the SVMS flag flying high wherever they tread.


Stay safe, stay healthy.


Piyush Punj (Principal)